It’s no secret that companies who hold employees at the forefront succeed. The direct correlation between happiness at work and productivity has been proven through many studies. When your employees are comfortable and happy at work, they will work hard to create inspiring new ideas to push your business forward. An inspiring workspace is much more than a good office cleaning (although we know how beneficial that is… nobody wants to work in an office dump). Here’s three things you can do to take your company to the next level.


Treat Employees To Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While large companies such as Google are afforded the opportunity to feed every employee for free, a simple bagel breakfast one day a month gives your employees something to look forward to. When energized with a healthy breakfast, minds will work faster and harder for a more productive day.


Physical Fitness Forever

Adding 30 minutes to the lunch break and rewarding employees for physical activity each day are quick ways to ensure a healthy office. Physical fitness has been proven to increase happiness, work ethic, and obviously general health. Many people enjoy working out but are consumed with daily activities. Employees will love the option to workout during the day.


A Clean Space

So right up there we said a happy work space is more than just an office clean, but we can’t help but throw it in again. This goes alongside the physical fitness because a cleaner office means a healthier workforce. In addition to typical janitorial cleaning service, you can brighten up your San Jose office with some clean windows and green plants (not to mention they add more oxygen for clean, fresh air)!