Commercial cleaning companies, such as SourceONE in San Jose, have had to make a lot of adjustments lately in order to keep up with the ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic. Biotech companies and other businesses in the medical field specifically have had to implement new safety procedures, and this has affected the way that janitorial services are provided.

At SourceONE, we have been working hard to adjust to the new demands of our clients. We are committed to providing the best possible biotech cleaning services for our clients, and we will continue to do so throughout the pandemic and beyond.

Read on to learn more about how our commercial cleaning services have been changed by COVID, and if you’re interested in hiring the best commercial cleaning services in San Jose, reach out to SourceONE today.

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disinfecting surfaces

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Increased Need for Disinfection of Surfaces

One of the biggest challenges that has arised with the COVID-19 pandemic is the increased need for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. This is because the virus can live on surfaces for a period of time, and it is important to prevent the spread of the virus by cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces regularly. Commercial cleaning services like ours, which offer biotech cleaning services, have had to increase their cleaning schedules and use more powerful cleaners and disinfectant solutions in order to meet this new demand.

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broad disinfection

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Personal Protective Equipment for Cleaners

Another change that we have made at SourceONE in San Jose is the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for our cleaners. This includes things like face masks, gloves, and protective clothing. We have always had a policy of providing PPE for our cleaners, but with the increased risk of exposure to the virus, we have had to make sure that all of our cleaners are properly equipped with the right PPE. We have also implemented new training procedures so that our cleaners know how to properly use and dispose of their PPE. This helps to protect not only our employees but our clients and their employees and customers as well.

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disinfecting door handle

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We’ve Developed a Three-Stage Plan

At SourceONE, we believe in being proactive and offering the absolute best cleaning and disinfecting services. This is why we developed our own three-stage plan which helps to reduce exposure to COVID-19, supports current CDC guidelines, and uses EPA-approved cleaners and disinfectants. This plan focuses on broadly disinfecting the business with an electrostatic spray in addition to a special focus on high-touch point items and areas. This plan has been, and remains, essential in keeping our employees safe and providing the best COVID-19 cleaning services possible.

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disinfecting lab

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We Created Emergency Response Procedures

At SourceONE, we also have emergency response procedures in place in case one of our employees or clients tests positive for COVID-19. This includes things like immediately notifying all employees and clients who may have been exposed, as well as deep cleaning and disinfecting the affected areas. We take these procedures very seriously and we are always working to improve them so that we can provide the best possible service for our clients.


SourceONE – San Jose COVID-19 Cleaning & Disinfection

If you’re looking for commercial cleaning services in San Jose, reach out to SourceONE today. We are here to help you during this challenging time, and we will continue to offer the best possible service for our clients. We specialize in providing commercial cleaning services for businesses that require special attention to detail, such as the biotech and medical industry. Contact SourceONE today to learn more about how we can help you keep your business clean and safe during the COVID pandemic with our San Jose commercial cleaning services.