If you’re like a majority of business owners in San Jose, the spring flies by and all of a sudden it’s summer and you still didn’t get your spring office cleaning accomplished. There’s no time limit for a good clean, so you’re still in the clear. These are 10 tricks that help organize, sanitize and harmonize your workspace.

1. Zones – Start decluttering by separating your office into zones. Small areas are less overwhelming.

2. Keep The Necessities – ONLY. Only keep the necessities. If you tend to hoard items, keep it at home. Keep your desk clutter free by only keeping the things you need regularly within arms reach.

3. Organize Papers – Create folders or organizers to hold papers to-read, to-do, or to-file. Start project folders to separate current work from work needing to be archived.

4. Set The Limits – It’s important to pick restrictions. Whether it’s one bookshelf that once it’s full you exchange old books for new books or a filing cabinet with the same principle, the limit from the beginning will keep your office clutter free.

5. Berid The Junk – You probably have the one drawer full of extra pens, paper clips, snacks and more stuff you aren’t quite sure about. Get rid of this junk you don’t use.

6. Purge Emails – Don’t treat your inbox like a to-do list. Set certain times during the day to go through and organize emails. Whether it’s storing emails in different folders or deleting old messages, its a good idea for memory storage to clear the inbox now and then.

7. Clean Your Desktop – We’re talking about your tangible desk and your online desktop. Organize papers into files and files into folders. Label things for quick access or organize in a way that makes sense to you.

8. Snag A Coat Hook – Keep the back of your chair and floor clean by installing a coat hook on the back of your door.

9. Give Everything A Place – Whether it’s your gym bag, magazine subscription or lunch box, it deserves a place of its own. Preventing clutter starts by giving important things a place to stay.

10. Disinfecting – Even if you’re a relatively clean person, you need to disinfect away the dust, dirt and grime.

You take care of the organizing and let SourceONE take care of the dirt and grime with our professional office cleaning service for your business in San Jose.