The Luxuries of an Office Day Porter

As hundreds, maybe thousands, of folks daily trek through your busy San Jose office building, dirt and grime can pile up. There’s no telling just how much filth can be floating in the air or stuck in the carpet; it could even be filtering through the air ducts....

Your Office Is Harboring Your Dead Skin

Did you know that over the course of a year humans shed, on average, eight pounds of dead skin cells? That may seem like a lot, but I bet you rarely notice your body shedding skin daily. Each day an average human sheds around one million skin cells which breaks down...

Welcome to the SourceONE Blog

Welcome to the SourceONE blog – your one stop place for tips, tricks and the happenings of our commercial cleaning service. We strive to make your building maintenance as easy as possible. Here we will share industry news, project updates and miscellaneous bits about...