Eco-Friendly Office Cleaning: A Necessary Step Towards a Sustainable Future

Eco-Friendly Office Cleaning: A Necessary Step Towards a Sustainable Future

In today’s world, social and economic trends are moving towards a more environmentally conscious mindset. Businesses, once primarily focused on profit margins, are now increasingly aware of their broader environmental footprint. And this heightened awareness...

10 Tricks For A Quick Summer Office Cleaning

If you’re like a majority of business owners in San Jose, the spring flies by and all of a sudden it’s summer and you still didn’t get your spring office cleaning accomplished. There’s no time limit for a good clean, so you’re still in the clear. These are 10 tricks...

The Luxuries of an Office Day Porter

As hundreds, maybe thousands, of folks daily trek through your busy San Jose office building, dirt and grime can pile up. There’s no telling just how much filth can be floating in the air or stuck in the carpet; it could even be filtering through the air ducts....

Your Office Is Harboring Your Dead Skin

Did you know that over the course of a year humans shed, on average, eight pounds of dead skin cells? That may seem like a lot, but I bet you rarely notice your body shedding skin daily. Each day an average human sheds around one million skin cells which breaks down...